
Showing posts from February, 2012

30 Days of Hunger Games-Day 4

Hey everyone!  Welcome to Day 4 of The 30 Days of Hunger Games!   How are you holding up so far? If you end up missing any of the days, click on the 30 Days of Hunger Games tab at the WoW blog,  Don't forget to join in on Day 2, reaping will begin on March 1! We need more males to join! So for Day 4, we're going to wind down from the giveaways and excitement for a bit, but we would still love your participation in the comments section! Ok, so we will be posting up all the trailers that have been released so far for The Hunger Games and I will be asking you, the readers, which scene are you looking forward to the most to be depicted on the big screen? I'm sure many of you have watched these trailers about a billion gazillion times, I know I have, so without further ado.. Ok, We think that's enough of the Hunger Games to get you all excited for the movie again! If we missed any that you have seen, please tell us because the 3rd TV Spot, I JUST found, so xD S...

30 Days of Hunger Games-Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of  The 30 Days of Hunger Games! This is the 3rd day of our Hunger Games event.  If you missed yesterday, check out  Day 2  because we are hosting our very own Hunger Games! If you are the last tribute standing, then you will win a special prize pack! DAY 3 WoW will be having a giveaway!   The prize will be your choice of   any of the 3 Hunger Games books!   Book Depo MUST ship to you in order for you to enter! Here is what you need to do: ENTER HERE ! If you comment on this post,  the comment will count toward your extra entry into the reaping ball! Just be sure to state your name and what district you are from! 

30 Days of Hunger Games-Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of the 30 Days of Hunger Games! Day 2 (For Day 1 post, please visit We will be doing our own Hunger Games, except without the killing and the cruelty of it all (: This might get a little complicated, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!  There's gonna be a special prize pack (see below), so c'mon guys, play along!! ;)  If you choose to enter, you must have a capitol identification card, if you don't have one, go to this site to make one: It basically assigns you to a district, so it's like you're living in Panem as well. If you already have one, be sure to find it because you're going to need it (:  Ok, so to say this in simpler way, I will list these easy steps: 1. To enter, you must have a capitol ID card, go to this site if you do not have one: If you do have one, awesome! (: Here'...

Nephilim (Academy of the Fallen 2) Updates!

Hi everyone! I was just about to open Twitter to post these updates when I realized that 140 characters are just not going to be enough. :) So, here it is! Nephilim's official release date is February 28th!  The books came in today, and signed copies of Nephilim are now available for pre-order through , where you can also find a special deal when purchasing both, Wide Awake and Nephilim. There is a special Kindle and Nook offer for Wide Awake (AoF1).  Wide Awake on Kindle and Nook is only 99 cents and this offer is valid only until 2/28/12. I hope you are enjoying the series! Please check Facebook and Twitter for excerpts.  Here is the first one I posted: ā€œ... If this was to be our last night together, how would you want to spend it?ā€ ā€œI would want to spend it with you. Even if we had thousands of nights, I would want to spend every single one of them with you.ā€ Happy Reading!

Happy Valentine's Day - Shattered Souls Cover Reveal!

Here it is!   The cover for the final novel in the Imprinted Souls Series, which will be released this Fall. Hope you like it!  Yes, the girl is Lexi.  The Guy?  Hmm...  could be anyone. *evil grin*