
Showing posts from September, 2015

Dead of Night by Carlyle Labuschagne

Happy Book Release to Carlyle! I started talking to Carlyle online sometime before her first book came out and I had the pleasure of meeting her at UtopYA this past year. If you haven't checked out her books, please do. She is amazing and one of the nicest people I've ever met. :) Dead of Night was first published in 2014 in the USA Nominated by best kindle hub for Best Dystopian 2014  Nominated for UtopYAcon Best Dystopian book 2015 And has since been re edited with new content for Fire Quill Publishers In a dark and desolated After Earth, love still does exist, but the cost of bearing such a flaw is death. World War III has left Earth in utter turmoil. Peopleā€™s beliefs are said to be the cause of the worldwide destruction. After The Clearing new laws are set about - to show certitude in anything besides the law is weak and chargeable as mutiny. To be illogical and have faith in religion...

Sudden Hope

Sudden Hope, my first novel outside of the fantasy/paranormal world, is now available! Here is a little about Sudden Hope and what readers are saying about it. :)  Alec is a seventeen-year-old who has endured more in life than anyone should have to. Seeing his neighbor and ex-bestfriend, Skylar, struggle after a tragic loss, Alec makes it his mission to show her that life is worth living.  Little does he know that he will learn that same lesson. "Ok this review is hard to write. This book is beyond amazing. There are no words for how good this book is. There is so much to this story. So much heartache and sadness but also love and happiness. There is something in this story that all of us can relate to and something to touch all of our hearts. Daniele Lanzarotta I definitely think for your first contemporary romance you hit this one out of the park!"  - Crazy Chix Book Reviews  "I loved this book. It deals with teen bullying a...

Bone Chilling! Author of Generations Apart Reacts to Lady Gaga's Music Video - Til It Happens To You

Hi everyone,  I have a special guest today! Lucille Griswold is the author of Generations Apart, a novel that shows  the life-long impact of sexual assault. In Generations Apart, the assault happened in a college campus decades ago. It makes us question just how much things have changed since, if at all. Sometimes it feels that the only difference between then and now is that we hear more about it now with news being on social media...  One in five college women will be sexually assaulted this year unless something changes, and something NEEDS to change.    Guest Post from Lucille Griswold. Bone Chilling! You won't know how it feels  Til It Happens To You .  No words could be more true.  I hope what happens in the Lady Gaga video never happens to anyone, as no individual deserves to be violated nor to experience how it really feels.  Coincidence, or not, this video came out around the same time ...