
Showing posts from 2012

Q&A with Gemma from the Protector Series by Tressa Messenger

Today I have the pleasure to feature a new release by ones of the authors from YA at Heart Book Tour, Tressa Messenger. I want to congratulate Tressa on the release of 'Protect Us', the third novel in the Protector Series, and I hope that you enjoy my Q&A with one of Tressa's characters... Gemma!  (You know how much I love character interviews!) :) Q&A with Gemma from the Protector Series Hi Gemma! Tell us a little about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Gemma: I am 17, almost 18. My family is from all over but I grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. Tell us about your fatherā€™s job. Do you like what he does? Why or why not? Gemma: My father's job is a secret but I guess I can tell you a little since it's just us girls. My father is called a Protector. He fits the... ummmm... bad guys. It's the coolest job ever; I am so joining the order when I turn 18. Would you say that your live a normal...

Ordering Autographed Books

If you want a Daniele Lanzarotta autographed book for yourself or to give to someone, you can order them through or through the links below.  If you order on or before December 19th, there is a chance that you'll still get it before the holidays (books are being mailed within 24 hrs by priority mail). Thanks in advance for your order and Happy Reading! :) Books by Daniele Lanzarotta Wide Awake $15.00 USD Nephilim $15.00 USD Sins of the Fallen $15.00 USD Imprinted Souls $15.00 USD Bloodlust $15.00 USD Divine Ashes $15.00 USD Blood Bound $15.00 USD Shattered Souls $15.00 USD

Sins of the Fallen is here!

Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce that Sins of the Fallen is already available on RSP Launch Pad (signed copies), Kindle and Nook !  If you are new to the series, the first book (Wide Awake) is  only 99 cents on Kindle until Christmas!     I hope you join me this week to celebrate the Sins of the Fallen release.  On Tuesday, there is a launch party on Facebook with giveaways from me and other authors as well.  To join this event, please click this link:   I hope to see you there!  Other blog stops will be posted on this event's page as well.  I cannot wait to hear what you think about Sins of the Fallen, so please, stop by to tell me or leave a review.  I always read them! :) I hope that you enjoy Sins of the Fallen and it's characters.  Be prepared to fall in love with Hunter even more. ;) Here is what reviewers are saying about Sins of ...

Announcements and Giveaways!

Hi everyone! I have so many cool announcements to make that I decided to break them down into more than one blog post.  Today, I will focus on the ones with awesome giveaways! The first announcement is something that I'm very excited about and that is the launch of YA at Heart Book Tour.  YA at Heart was formed by 5 YA authors, including Devyn Dawson, Natalie Star, Crystal Cattabriga, Tressa Messenger, and me.  We are planning a lot of cool events for 2013 and we are looking forward to meeting a lot of readers! In the meantime, we have a giveaway with great prizes over at the YA at Heart Book Tour blog.  Please stop by and check it out. The second giveaway is from my awesome editor, Michelle Johnson.  Michelle and two other authors launched a blog called, 'New Stories, Old Book', where I'll be guest blogging on December 14th.  They are currently giving away 3 Amazon gift cards for $20.  Click here for details. :) The last giveaway is from m...

Sins of the Fallen Sneak Preview

Hi everyone!  Sins of the Fallen (Academy of the Fallen 3) will be available in less than a month and I already can't wait to work on the next book in the series.  Sins of the Fallen was an emotional roller-coaster and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Here is a sneak preview and information on how to pre-order your signed copy.  Enjoy! :)  CHAPTER ONE Kayla I wish I could go back to when life was simple; when I didnā€™t have to make choices that so many lives depended on.   In a way, I could.   I had the option of leaving and never looking back, but I knew in my heart that I would never be able to live with that choice.   I also knew I would never be free from the beings that haunt me. I sat in the library of the Academy where I had arrived just days before.   I was supposed to be thinking things through before I gave Clarissa, the angel in charge of this Academy, my final decision; but m...

NaNoWriMo Tips

It's that time of the year again.  The time when authors enter National November Writing Month, challenging themselves to write a 50k word novel in 1 month! Is it possible?  Of course!  Are you going to go crazy doing so?  Likely.  Yet, it's a fun challenge and I have a few tips to help you out.  Increase your food budget for the month Most authors already know that they are not going to cook dinner.  No... It's just not going to happen. You need more time to write, so plan ahead because you and your family will be ordering take-out a lot!   Now the serious tips...  Setting Goals! Most nano writers set their goal at 1,666 words a day.  That gives them 50k words for the month.  The problem with that is that you are not counting on those days when you just don't feel like writing.  There is also the fact that you'll likely be much more motivated... and less tired, during the first part of the month.  And yo...

The Next Best Thing!

It's time for a blog hop!  This one includes a Q&A that reveals a couple of things about my upcoming book, Sins of the Fallen, which will be available on December 11, 2012.  After the Q&A you'll find the link for other authors blogs where you can read about their  current release or upcoming book.  These are all authors who I personally selected for this blog hop.  :)  Before answering the Q&A about Sins of the Fallen, I wanted to thank paranormal romance author Tish Thawer for inviting me to this blog hop. What is the working title of your book? Sins of the Fallen Where did the idea come from for the book? Sins of the Fallen is the third Academy of the Fallen novel.  The idea for the series was inspired by a character from Imprinted Souls who is a vampire/fallen angel hybrid.  I got more and more curious about the part of her that was fallen angel.  I also wanted to create a new world, something ...