Want a character in ‘Academy of the Fallen’ named after you?
Want a character in ‘Academy of the Fallen 2: Nephilim’ named after you?
- Guys and girls can enter. - It can be first name or last name. - You can pick whether you want to name one of the fallen, one of the haunted, or one of evil/creepy Benjamin’s allies. - At least 3 winners (one in each category will be chosen). - Contest will remain open until further notice. :)
There are 3 ways to enter, two of them are easy! :D
Tell me why a character should be named after you.
To enter:
If you are on Twitter – Tweet your answer @DaniLanzarotta #AcademyoftheFallenContest. Go to the bottom of this post and share the contest with your tweeps.
If you are on FB – ‘Like’ the Academy of the Fallen page and post your answer on the wall #AcademyoftheFallenContest . Go to the bottom of this post and share the contest on your FB.
Suggest a song for my writing playlist! To enter:
If you are on Twitter – Tweet your answer @DaniLanzarotta #Academy...