30 Days of Hunger Games-Day 4
Hey everyone! Welcome to Day 4 of The 30 Days of Hunger Games! How are you holding up so far? If you end up missing any of the days, click on the 30 Days of Hunger Games tab at the WoW blog, Don't forget to join in on Day 2, reaping will begin on March 1! We need more males to join! So for Day 4, we're going to wind down from the giveaways and excitement for a bit, but we would still love your participation in the comments section! Ok, so we will be posting up all the trailers that have been released so far for The Hunger Games and I will be asking you, the readers, which scene are you looking forward to the most to be depicted on the big screen? I'm sure many of you have watched these trailers about a billion gazillion times, I know I have, so without further ado.. Ok, We think that's enough of the Hunger Games to get you all excited for the movie again! If we missed any that you have seen, please tell us because the 3rd TV Spot, I JUST found, so xD S...